

Produce a book about a story from your life that is focussed around the theme of risk.



I created a book called Kaput at the Kaire, which follows me on

a 14hr trek up to Lake Kaire (5100m) in the Himalayas.


Unlike conventional books, this one reads upwards like the steep climb, from page 1 (3660m). As you read upwards you will notice

the typeface slowly deteriorates in concurrence with my mind

as altitude sickness slowly sets in.

Below you will see the deterioration process of the

typeface - an adapted version of Gill Sans Regular



Made out of newsprint, 'Kaput at the Kaire' feels and looks like

a map. I used an image of veiny feet on the cover which almost

look like mountain contours.


The colours used lull you into a false sense of security, as once opened, the book is pure black and white, a reference to the

darkest day of my trip and to the day's unexpected nature.